Sunday, October 25, 2009

Legendary Whiskey Cocktails By Sarah Martin

Sarah Martin


To make a Sazerac you will need two bottom heavy, 3 ½ ounce bar glasses. Fill one with cracked ice and water and allow it to chill. In the other glass place a lump of sugar along with just enough water to dampen it. The saturated lump of sugar can then be flattened and crushed with a spoon. Add a couple of drops of bitters, a dash of Angostura, a hearty shot of whiskey, for while bourbon may suffice for a julep it is not appropriate for a genuine Sazerac. In the glass containing sugar, bitters, and whiskey add quite a few lumps of ice and stir. A shaker is not necessary to make this drink.

Next empty the first glass of ice, add in several drops of absinthe, swirl the glass around a few times, and shake out the absinthe. The perfect amount will cling to the glass to give the cocktail the necessary zest. Strain into this glass the whiskey concoction, twist a rind of lemon peel over it for some extra flavor, but do not drop the rind into the drink-the lemon peel will overpower the cocktail otherwise. Some bartenders add a cherry, which makes for a nice garnish but is not absolutely necessary.

Kentucky Whiskey Cocktail

The ingredients needed for this libation are the following: 1 generous shot of bourbon whiskey, 1 shot of unsweetened pineapple juice, and 1 lump of sugar.

Begin by dissolving the sugar in the pineapple juice. Add in the bourbon, then followed by some ice cubes. Stir, then strain into a serving glass.

This cocktail can be made with whiskey, but then it would not be a true Kentucky Whiskey Cocktail, although the name might suggest something different. Some make this cocktail with orange juice instead of pineapple while some use sweetened pineapple juice. In the case of sweetened pineapple juice, the lump of sugar may not be needed.

Old Fashioned Cocktail

1 lump of sugar
2 dashes of bitters
1 large shot of whiskey
1 lemon peel
1 chunk of pineapple
1 orange peel
1 maraschino cherry

Add the sugar lump and bitters into a bottom heavy glass and muddle. Pour in the shot of whiskey and stir with several ice cubes. Do not use a shaker-allow the mixture to remain in the glass it was first mixed in. Garnish with the orange peel, chunk of pineapple, and the cherry with a dash of the maraschino juice. Twist the slice of lemon peel over everything and serve with a spoon.

Although this cocktail is indeed old fashioned it is as appealing to good taste now as it was on Derby Day a half century ago when the originator first stirred it into being at the Pendennis Club in Louisville, Kentucky.

The Old Fashioned has been a New Orleans tradition for countless years and when other whiskey drinks with fancy names have come and gone, the Old Fashioned will continue to entertain experienced palates. Do not try and use gin, rum, or brandy to take the place of whiskey in an Old Fashioned. An authentic Old Fashioned demands whiskey and a sturdy bar coaster.

Blue Blazer

1 lump of sugar
1 large shot of Scotch whiskey
1 shot of hot water

Have two mugs on hand and in one, dissolve the lump of sugar in the hot water. Next add the whiskey; be sure it's a quality brand with a high alcohol percentage, for it has to burn. Then carefully ignite the mixture. Hold the burning mug in one hand, then empty the fluid rapidly from one container to the other so that a streak of blue flame connects the two. Serve in a glass that is appropriate for hot liquid after twisting a bit of lemon peel over the mixture and topping with a grating of nutmeg. It is recommended to place the hot drink on a stone coaster of some kind to avoid damaging the surface it is resting on.

If you have cold feet, chattering teeth, the shivers, or frozen fingers, and want to warm up, you can thaw out no better than with a Blue Blazer.

This drink was a popular alcoholic drink aboard the lavish paddle-wheeled steamboats that churned the waters of the Mississippi during the time the Natchez and Robert E. Lee made history in upstream races to Saint Louis. The bartenders were expert in transferring the blue-flamed liquid from one mug to another, accomplishing the task with an agility that kept the flames from singeing their beards and moustaches before deftly placing the burning drink down on the patron's drink coaster!


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