Tuesday, October 20, 2009

High-value Nutrition From A Reasonable Match

Rational arrangement of food can bring more unexpected effects, in this article, let’s

learn together.
Sesame with Seaweed: Being boiled together can play a function of beauty and anti-aging.
Honey with soft-shelled turtle: Turtle soup with honey, sweet and delicious, incomparable

flavor, not only rich in protein, fat, also containing a variety of nutrients, is indeed

a rare nourishing physical agents.
Lamb with Ginger: Lamb can be used for tonifying yang and staying warm, ginger can be

used for driving cold, mutual matching can also drive exogenous evils, and can cure cold

abdominal pain.
Chicken with chestnuts: Chicken can reinforce the spleen and create hematopoiesis,

chestnuts can invigorate the spleen, healthy of spleen and blood is more conducive to the

absorption of the nutrient of chicken? hematopoietic function will increase as well.
Duck with yam: Elder duck can not only supply the body with water , but also can

reolenish vital essence to tonify the kidney, at the same time, it can eliminate heat

and cough. The yam has a good function of reinforce yin, once being mixed with duck meat,

will have a better effect of eliminating greasy and tonifying the lung.
Carp with vinegar: Carp itself has a power of lavation, the edema of the body, as a

matter of fact, are mostly damp-edema. Vinegar has a beneficial function of clearing away

heat evil and promoting dieresis. Once being matched with carp, it will have a stronger

power of promoting dieresis.
Tofu with radish: Tofu belongs to vegetable protein meat, eating too much will cause

indigestion, called "tofu overstock". Radish has a strong digestive function, if it is

mixed with tofu, the nutrients of which will be absorbed more by the body.
Liver with spinach: Both of liver and spinach have the function of enriching the blood,

clitocybine matching, complement each other and common absorption, is curative to the

treatment of anemia.
Medlar with kidney: Medlat plays a very important role in tonifying the kidney improving

eyesight; pork kidney is very helpful to essence replenishment and tonify the kidneycan

be filled. Both are stewed, will is beneficial to those who are renal deficiency and


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